Monday, October 21, 2013


Common Greek Root Words used in English Today

Here are common Greek root words (and their definitions) we use in English.

  • Arch – chief
  • Auto –  referring to the self
  • Biblio – anything pertaining to a book
  • Bios – life or living things in general
  • Cosmos – order or world
  • Cracy –  any type of government entity
  • Demos -  pertaining people
  • Derma -  referring to the skin
  • Ethnos – race or nation
  • Gastro – pertaining to the stomach
  • Geo – pertaining to the earth
  • Hydro – pertaining to water
  • Hypno – pertaining to sleep
  • Isos – equal, alike or identical
  • Kilo - thousand
  • Lithos – referring to stone
  • Logos – word or study
  • Mania – pertaining to madness
  • Mega – large or powerful
  • Monos – pertaining to one
  • Neuron – pertaining to the nerve
  • Nomos – law or science
  • Octo - eight
  • Pan – pertaining to all or every
  • Phobia – fear or dread of something
  • Phone – referring to sound or speaking
  • Psycho – pertaining to the soul or the mind
  • Scopos – to spy, watch or see
  • Static –causing to stand
  • Tele – referring to something far off
  • Therapy – pertaining to curing
  • Thermo – pertaining to heat
  • Thesis – a position or opinion
  • Zoon – pertaining to animals